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Shelf spotlight

I asked 12 people to pick a book for me to read in 2023- here are the choices..
Viewing 1 to 1 of 12 books
I asked 12 people to pick a book for me to read in 2023- here are the choices..
Viewing 1 to 1 of 12 books
Memoirs with a nature theme ๐ŸƒAka my favourite genre
Viewing 1 to 1 of 7 books
2023 5 Star reads โญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธโญ๏ธ
Viewing 1 to 1 of 17 books
2023 releases I canโ€™t wait to readโค๏ธ
Viewing 1 to 1 of 16 books
Viewing 1 to 1 of 12 books