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Sidra Ansari

Sidra Ansari’s first book is called, “Finding Peace Through Prayer and Love”. Her current passion is writing children’s books. She is a freelance writer and works from home, where she spends most of her time talking to the cat, Storm, and trying not to eat too much chocolate.





What would you do? Difficult dilemmas to delve into!
Viewing 1 to 1 of 4 books
Family dramas that make you want to keep your loved ones close
Viewing 1 to 1 of 6 books
This can't be happening...Thrillers set in real life
Viewing 1 to 1 of 6 books
Unreliable narrator or amnesia? Who can tell?!
Viewing 1 to 1 of 8 books
Viewing 1 to 1 of 8 books
Learn the art of how to be a writer
Viewing 1 to 1 of 7 books