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Sidra Ansari

Sidra Ansari’s first book is called, “Finding Peace Through Prayer and Love”. Her current passion is writing children’s books. She is a freelance writer and works from home, where she spends most of her time talking to the cat, Storm, and trying not to eat too much chocolate.





Viewing 1 to 1 of 6 books
To discover yourself is self love in its greatest form
Viewing 1 to 1 of 6 books
Viewing 1 to 1 of 6 books
I read poetry now, why not join me?
Viewing 1 to 1 of 6 books
Viewing 1 to 1 of 6 books
Awesome audio collection (and the books are pretty fine too!)
Viewing 1 to 1 of 7 books
Viewing 1 to 1 of 10 books
Fall in love with a character or two!
Viewing 1 to 1 of 9 books
Viewing 1 to 1 of 11 books
Viewing 1 to 1 of 3 books