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The Oscillations

Kate Fox

Kate Fox's new collection The Oscillations explores distance and isolation in the age of the pandemic, refracted through the lenses of neurodiversity and trauma in poems that are bold, often frank and funny. Dazzling and open-hearted poems of self-discovery.

Responding to a world that has been broken by the pandemic into a 'before' and 'after'. A strong voice sings of what it means to be many things at once - autistic, creative, northern, a woman. Fox measures not only distances, social or otherwise, but how we breach them, and what the view might be from beyond them.

'It's both comforting and challenging to have Kate Fox as our guide through these turbulent and fractured times; comforting because Kate's language is always inclusive and accessible and challenging because the ideas her superb poems brim with ask us to look deeply inside ourselves." - Ian McMillan, poet and broadcaster

Paperback / softback
Nine Arches Press
Published Date:
Poetry by individual poets

RRP: £9.99

Format: Paperback / softback

ISBN: 9781913437077

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